Free “Turkish Get Up” kettlebell seminar and workout, food & drink Free!
With the worldwide explosion of more traditional upright athletic training people everywhere are looking for more functional exercises that will benefit their daily life’s. Instead of sitting on a piece of exercise equipment that is older than black and white TV, isn’t it time for you try something that will actually make you more flexible, stronger, powerful, and athletic? The Turkish Get-up is widely known for it’s many benefits put one major draw back is the many technical aspects of the lift.
Stop by Stout Training Pittsbugh on April 6th for a FREE Turkish Get-up workshop with Rx Kettlebells instructor Jarret Lewis RKC and learn why the Get-up should be included in your exercise routine now and more importantly leave with a few tips to insure your Get-ups are up to standard. After the workshop learn how to prepare great healthy meals with chef Adam J To. After the workshop stick around for food and beverages and get to know the staff at Stout Training Pittsburgh! Hope to see you there!
This event is limited to 30 people. Click the link to sign up below or email renzograciepittsburgh@gmail.com to reserve your spot. Remember we encourage you to bring friends, girlfriends, wives, and anyone you think might be interested. Total event time including cooking demo will be about 1 hour.
Click this link to reserve your spot. https://ov171.infusionsoft.com/app/page/april-6-turkish-get-up-kettlebell-workshop