Cecil Burch Gi BJJ Closed Guard Seminar Jan 4th, 2020
Stout PGH will be hosting BJJ black belt (2nd degree under Megaton Dias) & Self Defense Instructor Cecil Burch for a BJJ Seminar in the Gi with a focus on closed guard on January 4th, 2020 from 12-3 pm. The cost will be $50
Cecil Burch has been pursuing his passion for functional Martial Arts since he was 16. After
studying Shotokan, Kenpo, and Tae Kwon Do and varied Chinese systems like Bajichuan, he
moved to Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino Martial Arts under Dan Inosanto and Paul Vunak, where
he undertook an-depth study of the combative use of the stick and knife along with empty hands
training. Cecil was one of Vunak’s first certified Full Instructors. In 1990, he began extensive
study in Savate under Salem Assli. He also spent time learning Muay Thai and has been certified
as an instructor in a number of different Pentjak Silat systems such as Tongkat, Mustika Kwitang
and Bukti Negara. He also began training boxing at the renowned Top Level Gym under Paavo
While he got his first training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in 1989 and spent time at Rickson Gracie’s
gym in 1993, he began a dedicated study in 1994 with Megaton Dias. Cecil is currently a 2 nd
degree black belt under Megaton and has competed extensively, including the 2015 Pan-
American Championships (silver medal – black belt), 2013 Masters World Championships
(bronze medal as black belt), 2012 European Championships (silver medal as a black belt), 2015
Pan-Ams as the Silver Medalist (as a black belt), 2010 American Nationals Gold (black belt –
heavyweight division) & Silver (absolute), 2009 American National Gold (brown belt – super
heavyweight) & Silver medal (brown belt – absolute division), and the 2006 Pan-Am gold medal
(purple belt – super-heavyweight), 2005 Inland Empire Gold Medal, and the 2005 International
Masters & Seniors as an unlimited weight class Silver Medalist. While Cecil has trained with
many great Jiu-jitsu coaches (including Rickson, Royler, Rener, Ryron, and Helio Gracie, Saulo
Ribeiro, Cobrinha, Regis Lebre, Ryan Beauregard, Carlos Machado, Rey Diogo, and Chris
Haeuter among others) all of Cecil’s belts have been given by Megaton.
Cecil has also been a firearms enthusiast all his life. He went through his first NRA course at the
age of twelve, and shot competitive skeet leagues. In 1987 he took the General Pistol class at
Gunsite under Jeff Cooper and Louis Awerbuck. He has taken Combat Shotgun and Sub-
Machine Gun seminars with Chuck Taylor. More recently, he has trained extensively with
SouthNarc in multiple classes (including assisting Craig in many of them), Pistol coursework
with Larry Vickers, Mike Pannone, Ernest Langdon, and Tom Givens, and carbine and pistol
work with Pat McNamara, and extensive personal training with Chris Lapre, LEO (Pinal County
Sherriff’s Office) and former Vickers certified instructor. He has also competed in DCM rifle
matches, GSSF events, Steel Challenge, two and three gun Practical competitions, and USPSA
Cecil has travelled extensively and conducted seminars across the U.S. as well as internationally
in places like England and Singapore. He has been a featured presenter at the Mid-Atlantic
Training Conference (2010), NE Shooter’s Summit (2013, 2014, 2016), Rangemaster Polite
Society Conference (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) and has worked extensively with Law
Enforcement officers, Federal Air Marshals, military special operation troops, and private
citizens on the functional utilization of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, boxing, and clinchfighting in close
quarters combat and how they can be integrated with a weapons based environment that is
typical for self-defense
You can register for this seminar here