Barbells & Brews on June 5th
On Sunday June 5th at 12 pm, we will be hosting Barbells & Brews.
In the Barbells and brews workshop we will teach the basics of barbell training. We will learn the front squat, back squat, deadlift, and bench press. This is a great opportunity for you to learn how to use the barbell safely and effectively in your training – and get strong as sh#*.
We will cover:
-prep work and mobility
-we will also discuss how to work into training with the barbells in classes and on your own.
“What does the brews have anything to do with barbells?” That’s a great question! You are going to bring a few bottles of your favorite beers, throw them in the ice chest, and we will celebrate being bad asses under the barbell with a few beers.
$30 fo non-members (bring your friends!)
Sunday, June 5
Preregister —-> HERE!!!! (Stout Training Pittsburgh Members will receive a $10 refund when they bring a 6 pack of brews, members can also sign up at the front desk!)