Getting in Shape to Start Martial Arts?

Getting in Shape to Start Martial Arts?

With the new year beginning, many people are looking to get in shape, start a new hobby or learn a new skill. People contact us every day at Stout Training and often say something along the lines of “I would love to start right now, but I want to get in shape before I start BJJ, Muay Thai Kickboxing, MMA, etc.”. With the growing popularity of these fighting arts, people often see competitors and fighters at the pinnacle of their sport and believe that that they need to have the same level of physical fitness to start the same activity. This is a common misconception as these athletes & fighters develop their level of physical fitness as a result of years of training.

For individuals who are just starting out, it is best to find a school with classes for beginners. For example, at Stout Training we have fundamentals classes every day in both Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Muay Thai Kickboxing which are specifically structured for newer students. Muay Thai & BJJ are individual activities done in a group setting. You can go at your own pace and build fitness at your own pace. You will not be put into situations that are dangerous or that push you over your limits. As for physical limitations just make sure to let an instructor know. Muay Thai & BJJ are very versatile and most problems can be worked around. You will definitely get in better shape by doing Muay Thai or BJJ consistently. You will lose weight, gain muscle and have more energy day to day.

It would also be a good idea to taper up your training and set realistic goals or markers for yourself as you begin training. Your instructor will be able to help you with setting your goals. For example, often when people start training it is the first time they have trained a martial art or sport in some time, if ever. In this case, a great goal would be to mark two classes per week on a calendar that you can attend and attend every class that you marked on that calendar. Another great idea would be to schedule some private lessons with an instructor. Private lessons are an excellent way to see rapid improvement for students of all levels, but especially for beginners. Your instructor will be able to give you individualized instruction tailored to your needs.

I hope if you are reading this & are hesitant to start training this helps you make the push to begin this year. Training BJJ & Muay Thai Kickboxing has helped many people change their lives for the better, whether they lose weight, get in better shape, grow mentally stronger, have fun or all of the above!