Yoga for Athletes
What – Yoga for Athletes/the fascial system. The fascial system is one continuous structure that exists head to foot, connecting every nerve, muscle artery, bone and vein in addition to incapsulating each organ. Problems can occur in athletes due to their repetitive movements in training. Athletes tend to even stretch in the same plane of motion they’ll be moving in to train. Yogaworks in sagittal, frontal and transverse planes to increase mobility for optimal function. Cara will hyper focus on releasing tension/creating space in the joint capsule for deeper and stronger movement, combined with Yogic breath work to build stamina, increase lung capacity, and strengthen lung tissue. Learn better brain/body balance, without using the ocular system all while getting well beyond the primary movers – the muscles you’ve already built up, to get into the deeper/harder to strengthen and open ones, such as the PSOAS.
When- SUNDAY APRIL 17th 1-3p
Cost- $15 members/$25 non
Instructors –
Cara Bessko E.R.Y.T 200, R.Y.T 500, Cara is in her 12th year of Yoga instruction/ her private clients are mainlyathletes, allowing her a greater understanding of what it takes to keep the body and mind in full function for competing. Cara will also thread in her training in somatic movement, integrating cellular breathing and movement as it would directly apply to an athletic practice.
Emily Kulakowski, Emily graduated from Penn State with a B.S. in Kinesiology, setting out to be a strength coach and trainer. Upon graduation she was accepted into the Yoga Sport Science coaching program, 8 months of course work followed by administering her own trial research in which she was required to work with an athlete and collect data on her progress using yoga. YSS integrates yoga in to an athlete’s training regimen, considering sport-specific and athlete specific demands and skills. She has worked with people ranging from new to movements to professional athletes – and almost everything in between. Anyone can practice yoga and use it to better themselves for whatever sport they choose -whether on a team or the sport of life!
Emily is also a certified strength coach , CSCS, as well as ACSM certified.
Questions? cara.nicole44@gmail.com