Halloween Parents Night Out
Looking for an activity for your children (ages 4 -14) to enjoy while you treat yourself to a Saturday night out? Bring them to Stout Training Pittsburgh – Team Renzo Gracie’s Halloween Parents Night Out from 6-11 pm on October 29th! We will have a costume contest (children should wear their Halloween costumes!), bobbing for apples, games, martial arts activities and pizza so go ahead and enjoy your evening while your kids to have their own fun on a Saturday night. We will have male & female instructors including elementary education teachers with PA department of education certification. Pre-register at the front desk!! Pricing breakdown is as follows:
1st Child
$30 pre-register
$35 at the door
Additional Children
$20 per child pre-register
$25 per child at the door
Parents can sign up child at this link: https://ov171.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/addProduct?productId=27
Get $5 off for every friend from outside the Academy who is referred to Parents’ Night Out. Call or text 412-419-8404 or email renzograciepittsburgh@gmail.com for more information!