Top 5 misconceptions keeping people from starting Pittsburgh BJJ

Top 5 misconceptions keeping people from starting Pittsburgh BJJ

Misconception #1:  You need to be in good shape to start

Jiu jitsu is the most efficient way to get in shape. The main thing to keep in mind is that Jiu jitsu is an individual activity done in a group setting.  That means that everyone has different fitness levels and you are working on your own level at your own pace.  At Stout Training Pittsburgh/Team Renzo Gracie our “Fundamentals” program is designed for people to rapidly gain fitness without being pushed too hard.

In Jiu Jitsu classes every aspect of fitness is covered in a 45 minute sesson.  Practicing BJJ gets you cardio work by elevating your heart rate throughout class.  Jiu jitsu training is not a steady workout but work is done in intervals.  The interval training BJJ practitioners get is what Crossfit  type workouts mimic.  You develop strength through lifting bodyweight (yours and your training parteners’).  You will also develop flexibility, body awareness, balance to name a few of  the additional health benefits.

Misconception # 2: Jiu Jitsu is for young guys and kids

BJJ is getting more and more popular with middle age professionals.  One of my friends is a 65 year old MD who also happens to be a blackbelt.  We have more than a dozen women members at Stout Training Pittsburgh/ Team Renzo Gracie.  We have 5 Pittsburgh BJJ members at our school alone who are over 50 years old.

Misconception #3: You get beat up when training BJJ

One of the most important things about Stout Training Pittsburgh is the common attitude of our members.  Everyone has a sense of responsibility to help everyone else.  Jiu Jitsu actually translates as the “gentle art”.   Although the techniques taught give a power that can be frightening and brutal, the movements and style of training are designed to be very safe and even gentle. There are no strikes and “live training” called randori in Judo or sometimes sparring is controlled.

Misconception #4: You need to get punched and kicked to learn how to fight

In Jiu Jitsu class there are no strikes to you or your training partner.  The overall art is designed with strikes in mind. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s concept of positional advantage incorporates the idea of attacking and defending strikes.  It is true that professional fighters have to train boxing, and/or Muay Thai in order to be able to compete.  The average jiu jitsu practitioner after having trained for 8-12 months  can be confident that they can prevail in a one-on-one unarmed fight against 9 out 10 people on the planet. One of the beautiful things about Jiu Jitsu is that practitioners can train most of the techniques with 100 percent force and still keep their training partners and themselves safe.   One of the concepts that many specialized military and police combat training academies employ is to generate stress as similar to real combat as possible.  Bjj live training is a great way to feel this type of stress while still staying safe.  In fact we have several Military and Police as members.

Misconception #5:  I can’t afford BJJ, it’s too expensive

At Stout PGH/Team Renzo Gracie our Prices are in the middle range for jiu jitsu schools in the area.  Because we have great facilities, the most successful competition team, and lots of class times there is a misconceptions that our school costs more than others.  This is often not the case.  While we allow some cost customization, generally programs cost about as much per month as a daily latte from Starbucks or an all access cable package upgrade. Long-term health benefit/cost analysis will vary from person to person. Considering the rising cost of healthcare it is a safe bet that staying active with jiu jitsu is a good investment.

husband and wife no gi bjj

Husband and Wife training BJJ in a no-gi class