New Stout PGH Covid-19 Virus Update, Please Read
As most of you know we where among the very first Fighting Arts schools in the country to voluntarily shut down. PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS. We are continuing to respond to the the situation as it unfolds. We have decided not to continue with our small group training. We will still be doing private lessons if instructors make the choice to do so. This is in line with the strategy and messages coming out of political leaders at the state, federal and to some degree, local level. The idea of slowing the spread in order to not overload medical an other systems seems good and responsible to us. In any situation like this that can increase exponentially stopping the initial momentum can be key.
I believe this will last for more than a couple of weeks but we will monitor it and open back up as soon as it is the right thing to do and the right time.
Please don’t feel guilty for freezing or cancelling memberships. We offer you some options if you do not want to outright freeze or cancel and it is helpful as a business if some people choose these options.
1. Keep your billing going as normal. We will give you 1 private lesson (~45min) per two weeks that you are billed that you can use now or when this thing dies down and things get back to normal. You’ll also get access to our online resources we have created.
2. Request that we credit you with a month at the end of your membership agreement. This is probably the best move for Prepaid members and others who do not want private lessons. You will get billed as normal for now but get a extra month at the end of your agreement, whenever that may be for you. you will get access to our online resources.
3. You can freeze for now. We’ll see you when we open for classes again.
Also you can buy private lessons even if you decide to freeze your membership.
Our online resource is a proprietary site where our head instructors in each of the programs, (Jiu Jitsu, Thai Boxing , Strength ) share videos. The Jiu Jitsu will feature three videos weekly which are technique that loosely follows our curriculum, solo drills usually based on the weeks techniques, and finally a bonus/strategy section where we will cover other topics and put videos by renowned guest instructors. Thai boxing will feature a technique video and a bonus/strategy video. Strength will feature a video with bodyweight excercises and another with small weights.
Thank you all for helping to build such a unique and successful organization . We will come out of this stronger than ever!