9 reasons Pittsburgh KettleBell class is for you.
At Stout Training Pittsburgh, we offer a KettleBell fitness class. While KettleBell workouts are growing in popularity, in Pittsburgh, the options are rather thin and probably a bit misunderstood. NFL and MMA fighters use Kettle Bell workouts to improve their athleticism and leading ladies in Hollywood’s action movies take the classes to get fit bodies for their roles. But what are the real advantages? Here are 9 reasons that Pittsburgh KettleBell class is something you should check out!
1) Plain and simple, there is nothing else like it in Pittsburgh. There is crossfit in Pittsburgh and while we respect crossfit, it’s just not the same thing. Our instructors are trained in using the kettle bell to improve your fitness, lose weight*, gain core and functional strength, improve coordination, and well, become better at the kettle bell (and that’s hugely important, the kettle bell is it’s own sport, so just having a kettle bell as one part of a workout doesn’t fully express the kettle bell’s true value for your health, strength and coordination). Cross fit might have you running around from obstacle to obstacle, but are you doing those obstacles right? This is a big deal, because if you aren’t, you aren’t benefitting like you think. Leaving tired does not equate to improvements in strength, weight loss or physical ability and can even lead to long term injuries. At our Pittsburgh Kettle Bell classes, we have qualified instructors who give you one on one attention, you actually learn how to use the kettle bells. As time goes on, you can do more complex motions which will show your improvement.
2) Kettle Bells gives you functional strength. You like weights? That’s good, they are great, but those movements often times are not the most functional in terms of application in sports. Why do you think NFL players and MMA fighters choose kettle bell workouts? It’s because kettle bells offer real usable (functional) strength. Our Pittsburgh Kettle Bell classes have actual MMA fighters along side people who are just trying to get into shape, lose weight for a wedding, or white belt jiu jitsu guys trying to get a bit better. Everyone can benefit from functional strength.
3) Kettle Bells are anaerobic. Anaerobic workouts are the best workout for weight loss* and muscle building. With kettle bells, you work out in short burst, then rest in short burst, allowing your body to replace muscle with fat during the down times. It’s sprinting over long distance jogging, but using kettle bell workouts in place of sprinting. The body gets super tired in a 30 second burst, then you give it a minute to rebuild and fat burns. It’s science folks and it works. Why do you think sprinters are so cut in comparison to marathon runners?
4) Because it’s anaerobic, the workouts are more condensed and easier on your busy work schedule. You don’t need to spend an hour on a treadmill then have a gym trainer put you on a bosu ball for another 20 minutes.
5) It’s a metabolic workout at the highest level, so yep, as mentioned earlier, it is built to burn fat.
6) You can pick your own weight levels with greater ease. The trainers are great at helping you find a starting level and they chart your success so don’t just stay at that same weight, you advance as time goes on.
7) Every muscle is effected. When you lift weights, you are isolating muscles in movements that aren’t very functional and while this has it’s time and place, for most people, kettle bells would be a much more logical option. You get every muscle going which allows you to get stronger and leaner.
8) Women get lean. Don’t take any of the aforementioned items wrong, you women will not end up as muscle bound broads that are capable of lifting big boulders on ESPN. Nope, you will get lean*, like Jennifer Aniston lean. Hollywood celebrity women use kettle bells, it’s a fact!
9) It’s a blast! That’s right, it’s fun, the trainers and people in the class are great! It’s a health driven environment! The building is awesome! You will make friends! Yep, all that!
So what’s the conclusion? Yep, its that kettle bell classes are for you. Give us a call or swing by and try out a class today!