Shawn began his martial arts training through firearms instruction and competition shooting in 2005 and acted as Western PA host for the world’s premier firearms instructor cadres for several years.
In 2010 Shawn began training contact weapons and combatives under the tutelage of Craig Douglas . Shawn began training BJJ under Warren Stout in 2012. With oversight and guidance Shawn has successfully ran the longest successful Shivworks Regional Affiliated training group at Stout PGH. (the group is called “AntiFragile Training”
Shawn teaches our self defense specific classes at all locations. He has taught members from all branches of Law enforcement in the Pittsburgh area and security and law enforcement personal around the country. He continues to instruct our Self Defense program and teaches with Craig regularly.
Shawn earned his purple belt in BJJ from Warren in 2017, and currently teaches Jiu Jitsu both at Stout and as instructor for the Carnegie Mellon University grappling club. Shawn is a part time instructor who works full time in Banking. Shawn earned his Black Belt from Warren in 2023.