Half-Guard & Bullfighter Style Guard Passing with Daniel Gracie and Marcelo Cruz
Having trouble passing the guard? Is your half-guard a place of misery? Are you a half guard player?
Get some new strategy with gripping and “bullfighter” style passing. Daniel and Marcelo will help you use grips and movements to become a dynamic passer, even if the guard player is bigger and stronger than you are. Daniel is a great competitor in gi (world champion) no-ti (ADCC place winner) and MMA (Pride and Belator veteran). He is widely regarded as one of the east coasts most experienced and dynamic jiu jitsu instructors.

Daniel Gracie teaches a guard pass for BJJ at Stout Training Pittsburgh – team Renzo Gracie , Nov. 2013
Getting stuck in half-guard? Ryan Gracie blackbelt Marcelo Cruz will get your half-guard game moving. Marcelo is newly arrived from Brazil. He is a half-gurad specialist in the tradition of the team he came from. Daniel will also tweak your half guard so that you can put anyone playing on top in danger.
There will be two 45 minute sessions starting on Sunday Feb. 16th at 1:15pm. Cost is $45 per person. This seminar is open to all levels but is reserved for members of Stout Training Pittsburgh-Team Renzo Gracie only. There will be 22 spots open on a first-come basis.
Seminars are really beneficial for and are really an activity that benefits the whole team by bringing new technique that everyone does together into our school’s repetior. Watching instructionals are great but you can’t get the same group learning experience as a seminar. Also, if anyone has done a seminar with Daniel in the past then you know how inspirational and motivating he can be. He always brings my motivation to train and improve up to a new level. Don’t miss out!
Daniel Gracie