Shawn Williams NOGI Omoplata Seminar September 12th
We are excited to bring Shawn Williams back to Pittsburgh on September 12th for a NOGI jiu jitsu seminar on omoplatas. Shawn has been called the “teachers’ teacher” by Dave Camarillo (well know instructor of UFC champions and himself a Judo world team alternate). He regularly works with both George St. Pierre (one of the greatest MMA fighters of all time) and Romulo Barral (one of the greatest BJJ competitors of all time) in a coaching capacity. Shawn is well know for his online instructionals (Near Side Underhook Passing, William Guard, etc.). He is also a technical commentator for most of the largest live broadcast jiu jitsu and grappling tournaments worldwide for FloGrappling, BudoVideos, ADCC, and others. He is the originator of the position commonly called “William’s Guard”. It is not an overstatement or puffery to say he is truly on a small list of the most knowledgeable and innovative teachers in combat sports and martial arts worldwide. Shawn has also competed prolifically at all levels of Jiu Jitsu. He was one of the head instructors at Renzo Gracie’s Main School in NYC before he left to open his own school.
Shawn has visited us before and we are still incorporating what he taught us into our jiu jitsu and MMA training. Two of the things that set Shawn apart from other instructors is the perspective he give on training methods. He’ll share some of this with us through active practice. There are many ways to get great techniques but sometimes the methods of practice are even more important. Another thing is Shawn’s broad, modern, and creative technical perspective. The seminar will be a NOGI seminar but will cover the omoplata, a technique also applicable to gi jiu jitsu and MMA. It will be approximately 2 hrs. Shawn is the main jiu jitsu instructor of Warren Stout (head instructor of Stout Training Pittsburgh). If you like Warren’s teaching methods come and see one of the main sources. Don’t miss the chance to train with Shawn. Your jiu jitsu/grappling will improve!
Date: September 12th
Time: 10 am
Place: Stout PGH 2626 Railroad St Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Pricing: $65 Preregister
$80 at the door
*Limited to 50 participants*